Sneak Peek Into My Part of Class {..."Reflections - Paint Your Story"...}

I am excited to give you a sneak peek into my portion of the upcoming class "Reflections - Paint Your Story".  If you don't take another art class in early 2016...take this one.  It is going to be so, so good.

There will be four other talented, beautiful presenters (read more about them here)  I won't let any kitties out of any bags, but I did want to share a preview of my contribution.

Here is an itty bitty sneak peek into my part of "Reflections - Paint Your Story"...

...when I said "itty bitty peek", I meant it.  My entire presentation is 45 minutes long, and chock-full of what I hope is incredible inspiration and a creative coaching exercise - all to help you to live a better story in the coming year.   See you there...

Instructions for sign up:

The registration price for this two week online course is $48.00. This course will begin on January 18, 2016 and you will have LIFETIME ACCESS* to the videos. 
To read more about what you will learn in the course or to register please click HERE.
If you are new to our creative network here are easy steps to get you started…
1. Register at (this is free).
2. Once your account is active you are able to take advantage of our free courses, series and even pay for courses.
3. Go to and along the top header click on “COURSES” and you will be able to view all three pages of online courses and free series.
4. To purchase a course please choose your course, click on the +join in the upper right hand corner, pay and you will be INSTANTLY in the classroom.
5. All videos can be found along the right hand side of the page under “COURSE CONTENT”.

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